How To Introduce Yourself As a Blogger (in Blog and Life)

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

by Ankit Singla

Sep 22, 2023

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Today, I want to write something different.

It’s late at night, I have my tea ready, and my mind is wondering about one thing: 

How to introduce yourself as a blogger?

It sounds like it’s no big deal, but it really is. 

Here’s why: 

“What do you do for a living?”

When I contemplate how bloggers introduce themselves, I’m not just thinking about writing an “About Me” page.

In the past, I often felt awkward and weird when talking about my profession to friends and relatives. 

Despite trying to describe blogging as accurately as I can, I almost never liked how people responded:

  • Some respond with a half-hearted “oh, cool!” 
  • Others respond with a confused look on their face. 
  • A few respond with a barrage of questions that make the conversation even more uncomfortable.
  • Worst of all, some people respond with a very devastating question: “Why don’t you try getting a real job?”


Blogging Job Meme

That’s why I disliked the question “what do you do for a living?

For a lot of people, it’s just a simple question. But for bloggers who are yet to make money online, it can be discouraging – especially with how people respond. 

How I introduce myself now

Eventually, I decided to brush the doubt aside. 

I realized that to be a successful blogger, I should feel confident when talking about what I do. 

Today, I’m more than happy with the way I introduce myself in public and on the internet.

Here’s my blogger introduction sample:

My Facebook Introduction

Here’s my first piece of advice:

Focus on what you do, not what you’re called

When I get asked about my job now, I don’t just say “I’m a blogger.”

I say, “I help people build a profitable online business through authority building strategies.”

The key difference between the two answers is the FOCUS.

While the first one focuses on a title, the other focuses on a goal.

Here – let me give you a template: 

How to Write a One-Liner Introduction

“I help [your target audience] achieve [their goals] not only with [old method], but through [your unique method].

That will be your credo. 

It is the one-liner that you’ll use to introduce yourself on social media and in person. 

You still have a few things to do if you want to incorporate this into a proper blog introduction. But for now, let’s get your one-liner introduction ready. 

All you have to do is answer four simple questions:

  • Who is your target audience? If you’re new to blogging, targeting a narrow niche is better than casting a wide net. You can analyze your current readers or use this comprehensive guide to figure out who you should be targeting. 
  • What will you help them with? What are the goals that your blog aims to help them with? The more specific and clear the objective, the better.
  • What is an old method that you think isn’t enough? This line makes your introduction more impactful since you’re mentioning something people are probably already familiar with. Think of something that everyone is already doing, but usually isn’t enough to get results. 
  • What is your unique method? Finally, you need to coin an original term that encapsulates your value propositions. It should be a framework that guides how you set blogging goals, like “Authority-Driven Blogging.”

I’ll give you a few minutes to come up with answers. 

When you’re done, plug them into the template I shared with you earlier. 

For example, if you’re in the weight loss niche, you can go with something like:

“I help stay-at-home professionals achieve their ideal body not only with exercises, but through dynamic diet planning.

Once you have your one-liner ready, it’s time to fashion it into different types of introductions based on the situation:

1. How to introduce yourself in a blog

First things first, let’s incorporate your one-liner into your official “About Me” page. 

You probably already know the basics, like:

  • Writing a killer headline
  • Following-up with a compelling first paragraph
  • Using a crystal-clear photo
  • Sharing a little backstory
  • Finishing up with social proof and a CTA

The next step is to simply insert a version of your one-liner anywhere in your introduction.

Expound it if necessary, like what Nomadic Matt did by listing down questions his target audience asks.

Nomadic Matt's Introduction

How NOT to introduce yourself in a blog:

When writing an introduction in your blog, avoid being vague.

Your introduction shouldn’t leave your readers with more questions than they started.

For example:

“I help people (who?) make money blogging (how?) using easy-to-do strategies (what?).”

2. How to introduce yourself to friends and family

Your one-liner also serves as an excellent starting point when introducing your profession to friends and relatives. 

Remember, your one-liner already discusses what you do in a sharp and concise way.

The usual follow-up is, “How do you make money with that?”

That’s when you can briefly mention your monetization strategies, like: 

  • Selling an online course
  • Selling an eBook
  • Doing affiliate marketing

I like how Julie Page highlighted her strategies in two short paragraphs: 

Julie Page's introduction

How NOT to introduce yourself to family and friends:

When talking about monetization strategies, use words they will understand. 

Avoid using technical terms like: 

“I make money through affiliate commissions (what?) and sales of my authority blogging online course (double what?).”

3. What about to total strangers?

Believe it or not, it’s actually less awkward to introduce yourself to strangers instead of people you know.  

People tend to be more careful with how they respond in such conversations. In turn, they come up with better follow-up questions that are easy to answer. 

The only rule here is to relax and be yourself.

Take a page out of Rob and Kennedy’s book when they talked about themselves on Email Marketing Heroes.

Email Marketing Heroes Introduction

How NOT to introduce yourself to strangers:

Never oversell yourself. Keep it light and try not to say something that’ll put them off, like:

“I teach bloggers my own digital marketing formula. You can go to my website to check out my products, I also get thousands of monthly traffic there.”

4. Introducing yourself in an author bio box

If you ever tried guest blogging, you’ll understand how important it is to write a compelling author bio. 

Not only should it capture attention – it should also motivate readers to click the link to your website. 

You can model it after the one-liner you wrote earlier, but it doesn’t have to be an exact copy. 

What’s important is that readers know exactly what you do, what you offer, and how readers will benefit.

Here’s a good example by Tom Southern in his guest post on OptinMonster. 

Tom Southern Introduction

How NOT to introduce yourself in a bio box:

Whatever you do, don’t be vague and shy away from the opportunity to promote something meaningful.

Don’t write something like this: 

“I’m a freelance writer and part-time fashion blogger (where?). I write about men’s shoes, corporate style, grooming (how exactly will readers benefit?).”

5. Finally, introducing yourself in an interview

“Tell us a bit about yourself.”

That’s how a lot of interviews start with these days. 

The key here is to remember one thing: 

The audience and interviewers probably already have an idea of what you do. 

That gives you an excuse to talk a little about your accomplishments and experience. 

Remember, they’re not wondering about your job. Rather, they’re asking “Why should I listen to this person?”

I recall being thrown this question right off the bat in a BloggersPassion interview: 

BloggersPassion Interview Introduction

If you’re being interviewed for a broad audience, then it’s fair to mention a thing or two about your business. 

That’s when you can go back to your one-liner and make a solid first impression on the audience. 

How NOT to introduce yourself in an interview:

Doing anything but establish your authority and credibility is a mistake when introducing yourself in an interview.

For example:

“My name is Ankit Singla and I’m a full-time blogger. I blog about blogging (just a bad introduction across the board).” 

Additional tips when introducing yourself 

Feeling more confident in yourself now?

Before you head out there, remember that no two social interactions are exactly the same. 

In most cases, utilizing your one-liner is enough to turn any conversation into a comfortable and meaningful one. Other times, you need to try a bit harder.

So, before I end this post, here are a few more tips you should keep in your back pocket:

  • Improve your posture
  • Perfect your “About Me” page
  • Don’t look down and maintain eye contact when speaking
  • Don’t look at your phone
  • Dress well 
  • Practice your one-liner in front of a mirror
  • Don’t be afraid to admit if you’re feeling awkward
  • Answer one question at a time, don’t overexplain 
  • Don’t offer something you’re selling unless you’re asked to
  • Try not to discuss your income or just give a ballpark figure
  • Don’t use technical terms that the other person won’t understand
  • Ask questions about the other person as well
  • Stay humble
  • Smile and have fun!


Well – I must say I enjoyed writing that. 

Remember, blogging is a full-time career. 

You need to talk the talk before you can walk the walk. 

With the tips above, you should always feel like a million dollars when introducing yourself to others.

What about you? How would you write your one-liner introduction?

Paste it in the comments below and I’ll let you know what I think.


Additional resources you might be interested in:

  1. Best Blogging Resources – Check All Tools That I Use
  2. Blog Editorial Calendar – Manage All Your Tasks Effectively
  3. Perfect Blog Post Structure – Create Outlines Like A Pro
Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Article by

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, YouTuber, author, and public speaker. He founded and leads Master Blogging. With over 13 years of blogging expertise, he has assisted numerous aspiring bloggers in achieving their dreams of creating successful blogs.

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, YouTuber, author, and public speaker. He founded and leads Master Blogging. With over 14 years of blogging expertise, he has assisted numerous aspiring bloggers in achieving their dreams of creating successful blogs.

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

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